Friday, October 19, 2012

Last October

Exactly 1 year ago, on October 19, we got a phone call that would change our lives forever. Our fertility clinic called to give us the official blood work results of our IVF pregnancy test. The results were that I was very positively pregnant! I remember that day so vividly, Tom, Ruby, and I were sitting in the empty bedroom between our office and master bedroom awaiting a phone call from our clinic. The room that we sat in was a room that was kept empty for a long time in anticipation that we would one day be able to turn it into a nursery for a sweet little baby. We cleared the room in faith that the Lord would bless us with a child. The Lord is faithful, and He blessed us more than we could have ever imagined. He blessed us with TWO children at once. I can't imagine life without our precious miracles, Grady and Wren. I look back on our joyful celebration in that empty bedroom with an extremely full and thankful heart.

A lot has happened since that day last October. We lost my dear Granny Mary,  I carried our precious babies 32 weeks and 5 days, I delivered our babies and recovered from a tough C-Section, spent a long, exhausting month visiting our babies in the NICU, brought our babies home from the hospital, learned how to care for them and be a family of 4, we lost Tom's dear Grandma Helen, I quit my full-time job, and became a full-time stay-at-home-mommy. Whew! Lots of changes and adjustments!

And because I can't conclude this post without their picture, here's an instagram I snapped last night after checking on my babies for the last time before going to bed. 

Your mama loves you so much, sweet babies.

1 comment:

  1. What a year... seeing life from beginning to end. And what wonderful little blessings! Definitely a year to remember :)
