Monday, December 12, 2011

The Details: Weeks 4-10

On Wednesday, October 19, we got the results of our IVF pregnancy blood test. We were pretty sure going into the pregnancy test appointment that we were going to get good news because I cheated with 3 home pregnancy tests (all 3 were positive) on the 3 days leading up to my official pregnancy test. We both left work early that Wednesday and waited for the nurse to call my cell phone.  While waiting at home, I was heating up the iron to make a "Big Sister" shirt for Ruby in the middle bedroom and Tom suggested that we stay in that bedroom so we could get the official news in there, since that is the room that will be turned into the nursery.  I thought it was a great idea.  So together, Tom, Ruby, and I sat in the floor of the middle bedroom and waited for my phone to ring. It rang and I quickly picked it up on speaker and we got confirmation that our lives would soon be changed forever. My nurse told us it was a "very" positive pregnancy test [my hcg levels were at 209, which they usually want to see them in the 100's]!

On Friday, October 21, I went back in for more blood work to make sure my hcg levels had doubled over 48 hours. They more than doubled to 445, which was great news. Our first ultrasound was on Tuesday, November 8, which marked my 7th week of pregnancy. At the first ultrasound appointment, we found out that we are having TWINS!!!  I kept saying, "Oh my goodness, oh my goodness" over and over. Tom and I were so speechless after the appointment that we had to regroup in the parking lot of our doctor's office before we got in our separate cars to head to work. Tom hugged and kissed me goodbye and then he looked at me and said, "I can't even remember how to get to work." After we both got to our workplaces, I got an email from him that said, "I'm hyperventilating, I can't breathe!"  Ha! We are both over the moon excited, but it's taken some time to process going from nearly 3 years of infertility [an extreme roller coaster ride], to finding out we are pregnant, to finding out we are going to have not 1, but 2 babies!

On Tuesday, November 22, the beginning of my 9th week of pregnancy, we had our 2nd ultrasound. We saw both babies again and heard both of their heartbeats for the first time! It was such an amazing sound! One heartbeat was 158 and the other was 180, strong and healthy. They were still measuring a little on the small side as they did at the first ultrasound. Because of that, I was not released from my fertility specialists.  My 9 week ultrasound would have been my last visit with them, but they wanted to see me one more time at 10 weeks to measure the babies again.

On Tuesday, November 29, I began my 10th week of pregnancy and had a third ultrasound with my specialist. It was my last appointment with them for this pregnancy. :( It's bittersweet to not have any more appointments with them because they are all so wonderful, but I have graduated on. :) I will begin seeing a regular OB/GYN in my 11th week. Here are some pics of my little ones. Baby A looks like a little gummie bear! ;) They were moving around SO much and kicking their little feet and waving their little hands. My doctor said they were feisty and healthy! One heartbeat was in the 170's and one was in the 180's. What miracles! It is just completely amazing that there are two lives growing inside of me.  I cannot even fully comprehend it!  God is faithful.

1 comment:

  1. I just wanted you to know how much your story has encouraged me. I will be going through a similar protocol in January with the same doctor - reading about your success has lifted my spirits!
